11/16/2024 Print Club: Color Basics for Printmaking


11/16/2024 Print Club: Color Basics for Printmaking

from $50.00

Instructor: Brooke Frank

Saturday, November 16th, 2024

10am - 12pm Demo

12pm - 4pm Open Studio

Print Club Demos are a great way to get familiar with a printmaking method you’ve never tried before. Print Club is a membership program that we offer here at the studio, and members get lots of benefits, including a 50% off discount for Print Club demos and the Open Studio sessions that follow them! Anyone can sign up, but Print Club members must use the discount code in order to get the Print Club discount.

Print Club days are broken down into two sessions: In the morning, there is an interactive technical demo, and in the afternoon, participants can stick around for Open Studio. All are welcome to sign up for the demo only ($50), or to sign up for the demo and the Open Studio ($100 total), but the demo is a prerequisite for the Open Studio. This means that if you don’t sign up for and attend the demo, you cannot come to the Open Studio.

This month, the print club demo will explore color through monoprinting. Participants can expect to learn essential principles of color theory and how those principles translate into actual printmaking materials and practices. Participants will also get a sense of how it feels to work in a communal space surrounded by artists with similar interests and will leave with a working knowledge of shop etiquette and printing techniques.

Our Open Studio session follows the demo. It is a great opportunity to experiment with the skills taught in the demo or to use our common studio space to work on a personal printmaking project in a communal, print-focused environment. We strongly recommend signing up for the Open Studio as well, if you are coming to the demo. It will allow you to absorb your new skills better if you can put them to work right away.

Please review our FAQ for more information about our policies and what you can expect.

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