Our mission is to inspire a love of paper, ink, and craft in current and future generations

IS Projects is a public-access printmaking and book arts studio that strives to promote innovations and developments to print and book media by providing knowledge, training, and a supportive work space for South Florida's artists. Printmaking comes from a long tradition of collaboration so we work hard to bring together like minded artists to create a community in which these artists can flourish. A healthy print community is a sign of a thriving art scene so our role in Miami as the only community print shop is vital. We provide workshops, studio rental, artist talks, residencies, artist’s book publishing, internships, and print related events to the community year round. If you don’t know us yet, please reach out or connect via our Instagram to get acquainted!

The Team

Photo by Johnny Zhang

Photo by Johnny Zhang

Ingrid Schindall

Owner / Director / Organizational Visionary

b. Delray Beach, FL

Studied: Fine Art Printmaking and Book Arts at The Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA)

Specialties: Fine art collaborative printing, bringing artist books to life, book binding, planning events, getting people who are geeky about printmaking in a room together, setting type, sorting type, cracking jokes, carving blocks, screenprinting, boxmaking, making it work

Superpower: Eyeballing measurements between .125” and 3”


Brooke Frank

Education and Artist Relations Manager

b. Myrtle Beach, SC

Studied: Studio Art at the University of Texas at Austin (MFA) & Florida Atlantic University (BFA)

Specialties: Painting, drawing, taking a nice long look at things, getting carried away, making dumb things sound smart and smart things sound dumb, over-utilizing Google Drive and Google Docs

Superpower: Mixing incredibly precise colors


Amber Frank


b. Naples, FL

Studied: Graphic Design at Florida Gulf Coast University

Specialties: Paying the closest attention to detail, organizing workflows, carving giant wood blocks, researching geeky press fixes, getting things done on a deadline, late night curating

Superpower: Spotting the slightest ink inconsistencies on photopolymer plates

Photo by Johnny Zhang

Sammi McLean

Print Club Director

b. Miami, FL

Studied: Studio Art at Florida Atlantic University (MFA) & University of South Florida (BFA)

Specialties: Developing and teaching print classes, curating and installing gallery shows, intaglio, curating prints, staying laser focused, blogging, artist relations, brainstorming, and making it happen

Superpower: Explaining things in such a way that everyone actually gets it.


Current Studio Interns:

  • Gabriel Arechavaleta

  • Nila Duranza

  • Carlos Sierra

  • Anthony Moreno

Past Studio Interns:

  • Melissa Snyder

  • Nathalie Moreno

  • Sally Mendoza

  • Jessica Foster

  • Sammi McLean

  • Marie Claire Macadar

  • Isabella Batten

  • Nadia Wolff

  • Aliana Turkel

  • Milo Davis

  • Auggie Mendez

  • Karina Mago

  • Valerie Vargas

  • Felicita Delvin

  • Leah Roobin

  • Seanna Harris

  • Nahia Mouhica

  • Thomas Rodriguez

  • Erica Sheldon

  • Athena Meyers

  • Alexandra Riesco

  • Sage Kelly

  • Caro Gutierrez

  • Amber Frank

  • Abby Wang

  • Kylie Aylies

  • Sydney K. Bouwens

  • Jess Elkins

  • Angelina Parrino

  • Stephan Celestin

  • Francess Dunbar

  • Tiffany Tompkins

  • Franky Rodriguez

  • Ana Díaz Korin

  • Ashley Castañeda

  • squid tooth

  • Kristen Mesa

  • Sofia Metcalf

  • Izzy Lerman

  • Kiana Kohut

  • Emmanuel Gorrin

  • Kate Ortega

  • Julieta Rivadero

  • Anakaren Gutierrez

  • Coral Rose

  • Madeline Windham

  • Adrian Monterrosa

  • Renan Oliveira

  • Khanh Ho

  • Veronica Botero

  • Aliya Gordon

  • Nicholas Waguespack

  • Lorraine Cruz

  • Adana Garrote

  • Kaila Gumbs

  • Fola Akinde

  • Tainá Rocha


IS Projects was not built in a day nor by one set of hands. We are forever grateful to these print heroes!

Deborah and Michael Schindall, Signy Schindall, Frederic Eallonardo, Mollie Little, Johnny Zhang, Matthew Van Der Merff and Ashley Abess, Doug McCraw, Jeff Green, Mary Mashburn and Steve StAngelo, Allison Fisher, the Maryland Institute College of Art Printmaking Department, Jonathan Thomas, Gail Deery, Eva Wiley, Kyle Van Horn, Nick Karvounis, Bob Cicero, John Remington Munger, Myron Munger, William de Yampert, Teri Hunter, Holly Book, Lois Edwards, Randy Burman, Corinna Olson, Kathy Sherman, George Griffin, Nancy Melinda Hunley, Alan Auldridge, Jennifer Morrison, Patrice Cyril, Laura Wilson, Megan Miller, Julie Schindall, Lara Pressburger, Sabrina Carle, Katherine Arts, Laura Guinessey, Amy Cousins, Shawn Edwards, Jason Guild, RJ Chaparro, Jim Travarca, Robert Smith, Jeff Levine, Jessica Condon, Beth Sheehan, Melissa Snyder, Craig Snyder, Amanda Keeley, Lauren Monzon, Leila Leder-Kremer, Juana Meneses, Kathleen Hudspeth, Edwin Beauchamp, Alice Wharters, Brooke Frank, Elizabeth Sheehan, Noah Levy, Jennifer Clay, Myona Clay, Brian Butler, Sarah Michelle Rupert, Tayina Deravile, Macus Desir, Elysa Batista, Derek Hunter, Christian Feneck, Leah Roobin, Caro Gutierrez, Amber Frank, Nancy Melinda and John Robert Coates, Michelle AM Miller, Onajide Shabaka, Carol Prusa, Elia Khalaf, Caro Gutierrez, Amber Frank, Matthew Van Der Werff, Ashley Abess