On View: September 7 - November 7, 2021
Bridget Elmer and Emily Larned originally founded Impractical Labor in Service of the Speculative Arts (ILSSA) in 2008 to find and connect with other impractical laborers—those interested in cultivating a considered, thoughtful, and balanced creative practice. They were looking for alternatives, interested in blurring disciplinary lines, and searching for a community of makers who valued process over product. The impetus for that search was born from their friendship and the rare, immediate connection that they discovered when their paths crossed many moons ago. With MakerMatching, they are returning to that genesis and working together with IS Projects to create space for other paths in their orbits to cross with our community.
MakerMatching is a collaborative project and exhibition organized by ILSSA and IS Projects all about matching makers—searching for potential connections within our communities and creating space for new conversations to begin. In this pandemic era, the value of human connection has become palpable. As we cautiously emerge from isolation, we are naturally drawn to reconnect, but at a smaller, more intimate scale; ready for new conversations, primed to consider alternatives, and eager to grow.
MakerMatching culminates in an exhibition at IS Projects highlighting the importance of connection and support within creative practice. Whether they're members of ILSSA or creatives from the IS Projects' community, makers of all disciplines were mailed a handset letterpress survey to be filled out and returned in order to match them with other makers. During the exhibition, gallery-goers were invited to harness their inner matchmakers and submit pairings from the displayed surveys.
Impractical Labor in Service of the Speculative Arts (ILSSA) is a union for reflective practice and membership organization for artists and makers that fosters community, new ideas, tools, and resources. ILSSA observes a an annual holiday, the Festival to Plead for Skills; organizes participatory exhibitions and events; and facilitates an annual group residency.
Explore all 64 Submissions in our Survey Gallery
Watch the Artist Talk: Part 1 & Part 2
Take Our Virtual Gallery Tour Below
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We can’t emphasize enough how much better this tour looks in full screen so please please please view in full screen